Benefits of exercise are far more than just losing weight or achieving that sleek body. Exercise benefits everything from your memory to sleep quality, and your energy level. It has a positive impact on not just maintaining good health, but even more so for those with an underlying condition like cholesterol, diabetes and blood pressure.
Minimum time for physical exercise
Physical activity simply means movement of the body that uses energy to burn some calories. Most daily routine activities would include: climbing the stairs, walking, briskly pushing a baby stroller, cooking, and others.
To achieve actual health benefits from exercise, physical activity should be continuous for at least 30 minutes and should be moderate or vigorous.
The benefits of exercise are best when they increase your heart rate over a sustained period of time, so do your best to exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes daily.
One significant benefit of exercise is that regardless of your age, it helps build stronger bones. It can also prevent and treat conditions such as osteoporosis, coordination, balance, and improve strength — leading to better overall health.
How exercise build stronger bones
Bone is living tissue and like muscles it responds well to moderate exercise by becoming stronger. Young adults who exercise regularly generally achieve greater maximum bone density and strength than those who do not. As maximum bone density and strength peaks during the third decade of life, it’s recommended that men and women older than age 20 can help prevent bone loss with regular exercise.
Exercising can also help prevent falls and related fractures because it allows the body to maintain muscle strength, coordination, and balance.